Friday, November 16, 2007

Freedmen Bureau

After the war the slaves did not have that much health care. Alot of them was getting sick and probably dying. The slaves need alot of things like medicine, antibiotics. If they do not get these things the free slaves can get really sick. If we can find a way to give them these things i would give it to them. When ever they get sick they wont have to suffer they can take care of them selves with the thins we give them. The way I will do that is I would make a place whre they can go to get some I really hope I can help give them the things they need to stay healthy.

Freedmen Bureau

At the end of the Civil War the freed slaves have destroyed houses with big holes. For example, some of the houses were made out of branches and wood.Also some of the homes only had one wall because the other side was blown off because of the Civil War. There were also families that didn't have any homes and were living on the streets. The schools were very small and they would have 50 kids in 1 school.Our goal as the Freedmen's Beureu is to try to help fix all the damaged buildings in the area. We should also build buildings for the less fortunate, like the onenes that are on the street. We make better schools and more than one in one area.We should create jobs such as construction workers, engineers, and schools that speciliz in these things.

Freedmen Bureau

After a long time in war the Civil War has ended. Since the Confederate surrender then now the slaves became now freed slaves. These slaves are depressed, tired, lost and worried but at the same time happy. These slaves after so much stress and fighting for freedom they are now free and full of joy.These slaves have only worked in plantations and worked for others, all their lives. They had no experience in studying and being in school. They didn't know how to read nor write. These slaves needed a lot of help. They were totally unfamiliar with this.Freedman Bureau had a few goals for Freedman's in this area. Freedman Bureau had many slaves attend school after the Civil War. We wanted for these slaves to get education. We wanted them to learn how to read and write for many reason's , that at the same time can help themselves and help others with their business. We thought that after slaves learned how to read and write and count then we can think about looking a new job for them. And then they can all be like any other person , with good education and an great job.Some of the goals that I think that Freedman's Bureau should make is a few programs for Freedman's to reach their goals. Well they are in school , so I just think that we should give them a few hours of school each day and then give them testes weekly. Freedman's Bureau can also give all freed slaves books. For example, study books for math skills and reading skills so that they can also study when they get home. This is what I think the programs or stuff that the Freedman's Bureau can do to help the freed slaves reach their goals.At the end of the Civil War the freed slaves have destroyed houses with big holes. For example, some of the houses were made out of branches and wood.Also some of the homes only had one wall because the other side was blown off because of the Civil War. There were also families that didn't have any homes and were living on the streets. The schools were very small and they would have 50 kids in 1 school.Our goal as the Freedmen's Beureu is to try to help fix all the damaged buildings in the area. We should also build buildings for the less fortunate, like the onenes that are on the street. We make better schools and more than one in one area.We should create jobs such as construction workers, engineers, and schools that speciliz in these things.The freedmen needs support with money for food, clothes, school, and for the fields. Afrter the war the freedmen were in a real bad potition. They didn't have nothing I mean no place to live, food. It was so hard, it was like trying to live on your own if you were 5 years old.I think the freedmen Bureau's goal was to get the Freedmen in a better position than before. They will give them enough until they feel they are ready to live for themselves.The Bureau should give the freedmen a farming supplies to sell their stuff to people. Then they can be able to get a better house. They are going to need money to support their family.

Freedmen Bureau

The freedmen needs support with money for food, clothes, school, and for the fields. Afrter the war the freedmen were in a real bad potition. They didn't have nothing I mean no place to live, food. It was so hard, it was like trying to live on your own if you were 5 years old.

I think the freedmen Bureau's goal was to get the Freedmen in a better position than before. They will give them enough until they feel they are ready to live for themselves.

The Bureau should give the freedmen a farming supplies to sell their stuff to people. Then they can be able to get a better house. They are going to need money to support their family.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

William T. Sherman

William T. Sherman was born February 8, 1820 Lanster, Ohio. His father died when he was 9 years old. He became a foster child, his foster dad was Thomas Ewing (his father friend). He married Thomas Ewing's daughter Ellen. Hewent to U.S Military Academy at West Point College. William wrote to the secretary of the war, he will be serving in the war for 3 years not 3 months on May 8, 1861. on August of 1861 William and gearge H. were promoted to Brigadier Generals. In the spring of 1864 Sherman was made Supreme commander of the armiess in the West.
Sherman was the most hated man in Georgia because he captured Savannah, and also ended the March To Sea 2 days before Christmas. After Sherman captured Savannah his troops battled Joe Johntson's troops through South Carolina and North Carolina. General Johntson's eventually surrendered to General Sherman on April 17 at Raleigh, North Carolina. After the war, Sherman was commissioned Lieutenant General in the in regular army. Then Sherman finally retired in 1883.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Abraham Lincoln Last Diary Entry

April 14, 1865

Dear diary:

When I woke up today I felt happy about winning the war. I also had this feeling like something bad might happen. I didn't have this feeling yesterday or the day before that. I'm just happy the war is over, I just feel reliefed from all this stress and depression. Although I have to admit the South was tough to beat. We had some tough battles like Bull Run those were one the toughest battles out of them all.
I feel like a new man. The Union is celebrating today, putting up the Stripes and Stars at Fort Sumter. I feel bad I will not be there. Today I am going to a play with my wife. I,m going to wear my suit and she is going to wear this beautiful dress. It starts at 10:30, I guess I have to go and get ready for my night.

Abraham Lincon

Friday, October 12, 2007

About Me

Hello, my name is Bryant A. I live in the New york, Newyork 10029. I was born August 4, 1994. The school I go to is called Academy Of Enviromental Science. It's a good school I love it here I can learn alot from my teachers especially my history teacher Mr.Vachon.