Wednesday, November 7, 2007

William T. Sherman

William T. Sherman was born February 8, 1820 Lanster, Ohio. His father died when he was 9 years old. He became a foster child, his foster dad was Thomas Ewing (his father friend). He married Thomas Ewing's daughter Ellen. Hewent to U.S Military Academy at West Point College. William wrote to the secretary of the war, he will be serving in the war for 3 years not 3 months on May 8, 1861. on August of 1861 William and gearge H. were promoted to Brigadier Generals. In the spring of 1864 Sherman was made Supreme commander of the armiess in the West.
Sherman was the most hated man in Georgia because he captured Savannah, and also ended the March To Sea 2 days before Christmas. After Sherman captured Savannah his troops battled Joe Johntson's troops through South Carolina and North Carolina. General Johntson's eventually surrendered to General Sherman on April 17 at Raleigh, North Carolina. After the war, Sherman was commissioned Lieutenant General in the in regular army. Then Sherman finally retired in 1883.

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